May 29, 2022 By Admin In News

FIFOG 2022 – JUNE 13-19

FIFOG celebrates in feminine way and movie

The 17th edition of the Geneva International Oriental Film Festival (FIFOG) will take place from June 13 to 19 in Geneva and its municipalities. After celebrating the Resistance in 2020 and Hope in 2021, this new edition 2022 celebrates Feminine way.

This new edition is chaired by the Lebanese writer Joumana Haddad, whose pen never ceases to defy restrictions and continously redefines the contours of freedom.

Through this theme, FIFOG not only honours women, but also freedom, the sweet life and the magical 7th art, cinema, which has the power to transport individuals, independently of gender. Moreover, the featured movies are the result of collaborations between both women and men. Some of the titles have female names while others have female authors.

Thus, for one week, Geneva and its municipalities will be painted in Middle Eastern colours. More than fifty films and around forty distinguished guests from the Middle East and the West will feed the audience’s hunger for cultural fusion.

The festival is also an opportunity to honour films with awards. Two juries will bestow a Golden FIFOG and a Silver FIFOG to the winners of the International Feature Film Competition and the International Short Film Competition, respectively. A school jury will award a Golden FIFOG to the best short movie.

Through special screenings in its Panorama section, the festival will unveil a number of works from all genres which are both relevant and full with emotion and poetry.

Like everyone else, the festival has come a long way, even a very long way. During the difficult and stressful time in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and its climate of anxiety, FIFOG took place both on site and on the Internet. This new edition is full of promise and freedom. So the festival seizes this opportunity and invites you to a filmic journey full of colour, emotion and poetry.